Public Debate : Press Freedom & State Secrets

16.02 2020 / 17h30 - 19h30
Plug&Pop - Rue Blaes 132, 1000 Bruxelles

Julian Assange divides opi­nion. The foun­der of the site Wiki­Leaks has been cal­led a ‘trai­tor’ by some and a ‘hero’ by others. On the wee­kend before his extra­di­tion hea­ring begins in Lon­don, we will debate whe­ther free­dom of press should extend to state secrets. Two teams will present the pros and cons. Come as an obser­ver or bring your ques­tions to chal­lenge the par­ti­ci­pants and be rea­dy to change your mind or those of others.

Brus­sels Deba­ters faci­li­tates the ses­sion. It is one of Belgium’s big­gest deba­ting clubs aiming to make our socie­ty more inclu­sive by empo­we­ring indi­vi­duals to exchange views with people from dif­ferent back­grounds. The group orga­nizes debates on dif­ferent topics eve­ry Wed­nes­day. For more infor­ma­tion, go to :