BrusselsSaysWelcome : European Day of Action for Refugees

12.09 2015 /
11h Gare du nord - Bruxelles

Brus­sels­Says­Wel­come : Euro­pean Day of Action for Refugees

Same­di à 11h Région de Bruxelles-Capitale

It’s time speak out against the dead­ly bor­ders that have been enac­ted in our name. People all over Europe are orga­ni­zing resis­tance and soli­da­ri­ty in their towns and cities. On the 12th of Sep­tem­ber we want to show with thou­sands of people all over Europe our soli­da­ri­ty with those fleeing war, vio­lence and destitution.

We want to let all the refu­gees know : You are welcome !

Sug­ges­ted route for Satur­day 12 Sep­tem­ber : At 11 am we walk from Brus­sels North sta­tion to Bourse Square and for those who want fur­ther to Place Saint-Catharine.

At Place Saint-Catha­rine from 1 pm we invite to enjoy music and dance and you can bring your pic-nic. We are also in contact with the orga­ni­za­tion of Parc Maxi­mi­lian to see how we can inter­act with groups of refu­gees. More infor­ma­tion will fol­low a.s.a.p. Keep following.

Join with tens of thou­sands of people all around Europe by orga­ni­zing or joi­ning an event in your own town or city. You can find a quick guide on how to orga­nize soli­da­ri­ty here :