End the blockade against Cuba !

29.11 2017 /
16h30>18h30 Room ASP1G2. Parlement Européen, Bruxlles


Euro­pean Par­lia­ment 29 – 30 Novem­ber 2017

Room ASP1G2

29 Novem­ber 16.30 – 18.30

16.30 wel­come by Gabi Zim­mer- GUE/NGL President

Intro­duc­tions :

· Joao Pimen­ta Lopes, GUE/NGL Vice Pré­sident EUROLAT

· Nor­ma Goi­co­chea Este­noz. Ambas­sa­dor of Cuba to the EU

First panel : The Impact of the Blo­ckade on Cuban Socie­ty and on human rights

Mode­ra­tor Mari­na Albiol GUE/NGL MEP IP Spain

Dr. Euge­nio Sel­man-Hou­sein Sosa, Direc­tor del Car­dio Cen­tro William Soler Cuba

Lucia­no Vasa­pol­lo pro­fes­sor of eco­no­my Rome Uni­ver­si­tà La Sapien­za, Nuestramerica

Second panel : The ille­gal extra­ter­ri­to­rial appli­ca­tion of Helms-Bur­ton Act and its impli­ca­tions for the EU

Mode­ra­tor : Eleo­no­ra Foren­za GUE/NGL MEP Altra Euro­pa Italy

Eric DAVID- Prof. Em. Inter­na­tio­nal Law Uni­ver­si­té Libre de Bruxelles,

Oscar Luis Hung Pentón, Vice­pre­si­dente de la Comi­sión de Asun­tos Econó­mi­cos de la Asam­blea Nacio­nal del Poder Popu­lar. Cuba

18.30 – 19.00 Tri­bute to Che Guevara

20.00 Din­ner and cultu­ral event in coope­ra­tion with Cubanismo

Centre cultu­rel Gar­cia Lor­ca-47/49 Rue des Fou­lons Brussels

30 Novem­ber 9 – 11

A Euro­pean cam­pai­gn against the blockade

Mode­ra­tor : Este­fa­nia TORRES GUE/NGL mep Pode­mos Spain

Soli­da­ri­ty move­ments and asso­cia­tions from all Europe.

Javier Cou­so Gue/Ngl Mep- Vice pre­sident Cuba friend­ship group in the Euro­pean parliament

Lucia­no IACOVINO — La Vil­let­ta from Italy

Isa­belle Van­bra­bant — Cuba­nis­mo- Belgium


Sil­via Roman Aso­sa­cion Ernes­to Che Guevara-Spain

Heike Hän­sel MeB Netz­werk Cuba- Germany
