Eu-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement — who profits ?

02.05 2018 /
16h30 European Parliament, 1047 Bruxelles

Eu-Mer­co­sur Free Trade Agree­ment — who profits ?
du 2 mai à 16:30 au 3 mai à 16:30
Euro­pean Parliament
Brus­sels, 1047 Bruxelles

GUE/NGL event on alter­na­tives to Free trade Agree­ments and the EU-MERCOSUR FTA inclu­ding debate on coups, demo­cra­tic rever­sal & repres­sion of poli­ti­cal & social move­ments in Bra­zil & Mercosur.

Regis­ter here :

Details :

Pro­gramme :

Wed­nes­day May 2d :

16:30 — 19:00 : MERCOSUR : demo­cra­cy under attack
(Room ASG 1G2, Inter­pre­ta­tion to most EU languages)

Ope­ning words : MEP Patrick Le Hya­ric, Vice-Pre­sident of GUE/NGL

- Coups and demo­cra­tic step back in Bra­zil and Mercosur :
Cel­so Amorín, Pre­sident of the Inter­na­tio­nal Com­mit­tee of soli­da­ri­ty with Lula and for Demo­cra­cy in Bra­zil, for­mer Minis­ter of Forei­gn Affairs and Minis­ter of Defence ; Guiller­mo Car­mo­na, MP of Frente para la Vic­to­ria — Argen­tine ; Hec­tor Constant — Ambas­sa­dor of Vene­zue­la for UNESCO, for­mer secre­ta­ry of Mercosur.
Mode­ra­ted by : MEP Eleo­no­ra Foren­za, mem­ber of the EUROLAT par­lia­men­ta­ry Assembly

- Judi­cia­li­sa­tion and repres­sion of poli­ti­cal and social movements
João Daniel, repre­sen­ta­tive MST and Fede­ral MP ; Lucia­na San­tos, Fede­ral depu­ty and natio­nal Pre­sident of PCdo B ; Lilian Galán MP Frente Amplio, Uru­guay ; Tala­ria Petrone PSOL, conse­jal de Niteroi ;
Mode­ra­ted by Xabier Beni­to Zilua­ga, Vice-Pre­sident of the dele­ga­tion for the rela­tions with MERCOSUR


Conclu­sions : MEP : João Pimen­ta Lopes, Vice-pre­sident of EUROLAT

Thurs­day May 3th

8:30 — 11:00 The EU-MERCOSUR FTA at stake
(Room ASG 1G3, Inter­pre­ta­tion to most EU languages)

Intro­duc­tion : Gabi Zim­mer, chair GUE/NGL, Gra­cie­la Rodri­guez, Gen­der and Trade Net­work, REBRIP, — Bra­zil, Lilian Galán MP Frente Amplio, Uruguay ;

- The content of the EU-Mer­co­sur FTA in debate :
Mat­thias Jor­gen­sen, EU nego­tia­tor, TG Trade, Euro­pean Com­mis­sion and Car­los Bian­co, CTA Confe­de­ra­tion of Trade Unions, Argentine,
First reac­tions : Karine Jac­que­mart (Foodwatch,Germany), Dia­na Aguiar (Fase, Bra­zil), Jaume Vidal, HAI

Mode­ra­ted by MEP Hel­mut Scholz, INTA coor­di­na­tor for GUE/NGL

- Open Debate and conclusions

11:15 — 13:00 : 4 Work­shops in parallel

Work­shop 1. Sus­tai­nable Far­ming, Via Cam­pe­si­na, Food Watch
Work­shop 2. Demo­cra­cy and tax evasion
Work­shop 3. Jobs and diver­si­fied eco­no­my CTA
Work­shop 4 : Health, IPR and access to medicines

13:00 14:00 Lunch (in room PHS 4B001)

14:00 — 16:30 : Alter­na­tives and resistances
(Room PHS 4B001, Inter­pre­ta­tion EN-ES-FR)

- Reports of work­shops and com­ments by MEPs and public

- Resis­tances and alter­na­tives : Paul de Clerck, Friend of the Earth Europe ; Alfre­do Cam­pos, Mem­ber of the Board of Natio­nal Confe­de­ra­tion of Agri­cul­ture (CNA- Por­tu­gal); EPSU João Daniel, repre­sen­ta­tive MST and Fede­ral MP (Bra­zil);
Mode­ra­ted by MEP Lola San­chez Caldentey

- Open debate and conclusions

Orga­ni­sé par GUE/NGL

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