Film, Dance, Music and resistance : Yallah Underground.

02.04 2016 /
20h La Tricoterie. 158 Rue Théodore Verhaegen, 1060 Bruxelles

Music and resis­tance : Yal­lah Under­ground. Docu, talk and work­shop : dabke & bel­ly dance

Same­di 2 avril à 20:00

La Tri­co­te­rie
158 Rue Théo­dore Verhae­gen, 1060 Saint-Gilles

We are proud to show the pre­miere of Yal­lah ! Under­ground in Bel­gium. A great docu­men­ta­ry on the most influen­tial and pro­gres­sive artists in Arab under­ground. After­wards there will be a talk with the artists.

To be fol­lo­wed by dance work­shops : bel­ly dance and dabke ! Yallahhh !

— — > Yallah ! Underground — —  — -

Yal­lah ! Under­ground fol­lows some of today’s most influen­tial and pro­gres­sive artists in Arab under­ground culture from 2009 to 2013 and docu­ments their work, dreams and fears in a time of great change for Arab societies. !
In a region full of ten­sion, young Arab artists in the Middle East have strug­gled for years to express them­selves free­ly and to pro­mote more libe­ral atti­tudes within their societies.!

During the Arab Spring, like many others of this new gene­ra­tion, local artists had high hopes for the future and took part in the pro­tests. Howe­ver, after years of tur­moil and insta­bi­li­ty, young Arabs now have to chal­lenge both old and new pro­blems, being torn bet­ween fee­lings of disillu­sion and a vague hope for a bet­ter future.!

Farid Eslam – UK/Egypt – 2015 — Sub­titles in English

> Talk — —  — — With dj d.b.h and dj Fatouch, both of them spe­cia­li­zed on Ara­bic music. 

> Work­shops — — — Bel­ly Dance work­shop by the talen­ted Katia Dzhioe­va. Dabke work­shop by Ahmed Ghan­nam. Dabke is a the most popu­lar dance in Arab world. A tra­di­tio­nal dance that brings people toge­ther. Ahmed Gha­nam is one of the most impor­tant dabke cho­reo­gra­phers and we are hap­py he is lea­ding the work­shop. Timing
20.00 Docu

21.20 Talk

22.00 Dance workshop

23.00 Par­ty

Entrance is 5 euro for all the activities !

Be on time please.