Is Civil Desobedience the most direct road to systemic change ?

15.03 2018 /
18h BOOM - Café associatif. Rue Plétinckx, 7, 1000 Bruxelles

Is Civil Deso­be­dience the most direct road to sys­te­mic change ?
Jeu­di 15 mars à 18h BOOM — Café associatif
Rue Plé­tin­ckx, 7, 1000 Bruxelles

The first ‑Brus­sels Sys­te­mic Change- eve­ning of 2018 will be devo­ted to civil diso­be­dience and non-direct vio­lence action, and how that relates to sys­te­mic change towards the Great Tran­si­tion (

We are loo­king for Brus­sels-based acti­vists with expe­rience in civil diso­be­dience cam­pai­gns that would be avai­lable to join us for a chat. If you know anyone, let us know (text box below)

UPDATE : if you want to order a “lek­ker” vegan meal for 10 euros, here´s the form to book your din­ner for 15 March. Please do it before 7 March :

thanks in advance
Lau­ra, Joan­na, Tobias & Sergi