Meet the writer — Wole Soyinka

21.08 2016 /
20h BOZAR rue Ravenstein, 1000 Bruxelles

Meet the wri­ter — Wole Soyinka

mer­cre­di 21 sep­tembre à 20:00 — 21:30

BOZAR : rue Raven­stein, 1000 Bruxelles

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Wole Soyin­ka — An Encoun­ter with the Lite­ra­ture Nobel Prize Laureate.


Wole Soyin­ka (1934) is a wri­ter of glo­bal sta­ture, the first Afri­can ever to receive the Nobel Prize in Lite­ra­ture. He was impri­so­ned in Nige­ria for his oppo­si­tion to dic­ta­tor­ship. “If the spi­rit of Afri­can demo­cra­cy has a voice and a face, they belong to Wole Soyin­ka,” The New York Times wrote about him. More than a major figure in the world of lite­ra­ture, Wole Soyin­ka is a cou­ra­geous voice for human rights, demo­cra­cy, and free­dom. At the age of 81, the legen­da­ry Nige­rian wri­ter and Nobel pri­ze­win­ner Wole Soyin­ka is more active than ever. In conver­sa­tion with MO*journalist Ste­faan Anrys he speaks of his rich life and work, his com­mit­ment to demo­cra­cy in Afri­ca and the power of literature.