
video faite par la PAH (Plataforma de afectados por la hipoteca) pour envoyer un message à la société d'immobilier Blackstone.

Blacks­tone, the world’s lar­gest real estate pri­vate equi­ty fund bought part of Cata­lu­nya Bank, a Spa­nish finan­cial ins­ti­tu­tion that recei­ved 12 bil­lion euros ($15.4 bil­lion) of tax­payers’ money as a bail out. Blacks­tone buys non-per­for­ming loans at huge dis­counts but these loans are actual­ly fami­lies, fami­lies who have lost their jobs and are now about to be evic­ted from their homes. Eve­ry­day citi­zens receive no aid or solu­tions to social pro­blems while glo­bal finan­cial bil­lio­naires pro­fit from bai­led out banks. For PAH acti­vists this is abu­sive and unjust to all citi­zens. These homes belong to people not to finan­cial pro­fi­teers. Fore­clo­sures and evic­tions are rapid­ly esca­la­ting in Spain under Blacks­to­ne’s pres­sure, but the PAH has a mes­sage : this is a glo­bal fight for the right to hou­sing, we won’t stop, and we will win. Si Se Puede