Which alternatives to austerity

How can European social movements develop a way out of austerity ?

The July 13th « coup » against Greek demo­cra­cy revea­led the true face of the neo­li­be­ral oli­gar­chy run­ning Europe. This oli­gar­chy has shown it is rea­dy to do any­thing to for­bid any cre­dible alter­na­tive to aus­te­ri­ty, even one foun­ded on an overw­hel­min­gly accep­ted demo­cra­tic consensus.

Fol­lo­wing on from this « night of shame », we are orga­ni­sing a debate with intel­lec­tuals, lea­ders of social move­ments and poli­ti­cians : how can Euro­pean social move­ments deve­lop a way out of aus­te­ri­ty ? What is our res­pon­si­bi­li­ty in the defeat of the first Tsi­pras government ?

Two les­sons to draw from the Greek sum­mer : What do the words « demo­cra­cy » and « sove­rei­gn­ty » mean in the EU and in the Euro zone ?
With Susan George, Trans­na­tio­nal Ins­ti­tute, & hono­ra­ry pre­sident of Attac France and Ronald Jans­sens, Euro­pean Trade Union Institute

How do social move­ments fight against austerity ?
Resist through trade union action : Eduar­do Cha­gas, Euro­pean Trans­port Wor­kers Federation
A coa­li­tion for small-scale agri­cul­ture : Erwin Shöpgkes, , Euro­pean Milk Board, Belgium
Inter­na­tio­nal Coa­li­tion of Sans-papiers & Migrants : Abou­ba­kar Sou­ma­ho­ro, Italy
… Inter­ven­tions from Euro­Mar­chas 2015 and citi­zens confe­rences OX15.eu
Ques­tions from the floor

Can poli­ti­cal action get us out of austerity ?
Mari­na Albiol – Mem­ber of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment GUE (IU), Spain
Phi­lippe Lam­berts – Mem­ber of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, co-Pre­sident of the Greens, Belgium
Pablo Eche­nique – mem­ber of Par­lia­ment, PODEMOS, Spain