International Rally : Covid — A Socialist Feminist Response

19.04 2020 / 19h00 - 20h00

Women wor­kers are on the front­line in the bat­tle against Covid19 as the majo­ri­ty of essen­tial wor­kers in health, retail, care and clea­ning sec­tors — unlike bil­lio­naires self iso­la­ting on their luxu­ry yachts these wor­kers are ris­king their lives with lack of PPE. Gen­der vio­lence has spi­ked glo­bal­ly in the context of qua­ran­tine. In Poland & the US, the right wing are snea­king in swin­geing attacks on abor­tion rights. Over recent years , a gro­wing mass femi­nist move­ment has erup­ted glo­bal­ly — the Covid19 cri­sis is exa­cer­ba­ting oppres­sion & inequa­li­ty but it’s also crying out for a fur­the­ring of these mass struggles & for a
Socia­list Femi­nist & wor­king class inter­na­tio­nal move­ment to take on capitalism.

With spea­kers from all around the world make sure you tune into this vital ana­ly­sis and call to action !

On Sun­day 19 April at 19.00 Lon­don // 20.00 Brus­sels // 14.00 New York // 11.00 Seat­tle time, ROSA (Inter­na­tio­nal Socia­list Femi­nist Net­work) and Inter­na­tio­nal Socia­list Alter­na­tive are orga­ni­sing a vir­tual ral­ly, giving a socia­list femi­nist res­ponse to the crisis.

Spea­kers include socia­list femi­nist acti­vists and lea­ders from Poland, South Afri­ca, Bra­zil, Bel­gium and the USA & the event will be chai­red by Ruth Cop­pin­ger (Ire­land).

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