Just DANCE in the streets > Place de la Monnaie

27.06 2020 / 12h - 13h
Place de la Monnaie - 1000 Bruxelles


» 12:00 — 13:00
 » @ PLACE DE LA MONNAIE > 11:45 exact mee­ting point tbc

To stay pos­ted on the next events, keep an eye on the page :

•*˜º˜*••*˜º˜*••*˜º˜*• D E S C R I P T I O N •*˜º˜*••*˜º˜*••*˜º˜*•

W H Y ?
It’s fun, it’s free, it’s healthy.

M O R E _ W O R D S :

Dance impro­vi­sa­tion brings a play­ful, sen­si­tive and contras­ting ener­gy to public space. It’s not a per­for­mance and pas­sers by can just join.

The space is expe­rien­ced and per­cei­ved dif­fe­rent­ly through this expe­rience. Our rela­tion to the space changes. The ener­gy of the space changes.

We’re care­ful­ly lis­te­ning to our inner self/body/surroundings and express free­ly through dan­cing — howe­ver small or big it wants to come out. Being in the Now… it’s fashio­nable, time­less… and feels good.

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We are :

• Not just cros­sing public space to go from A to B, but crea­ti­ve­ly enga­ging with the space as a partner.

• Not in public space as consu­mers (some­times looks like the only option), but dif­fe­rent­ly appro­pria­ting the space through crea­tive play­ful­ness from a place of inspiration.

• Connec­ting on a dif­ferent level with the space and people, lis­te­ning differently.

• Not nee­ding a spe­ci­fic context or rea­son to feel free to dance.

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We can won­der how this space is construc­ted, what are the forms, tex­tures, the streams of people and cars, the func­tions of the buil­dings in the area. We can notice that see­min­gly unplea­sant sounds can become like a music we dance with, we may dis­co­ver the laye­red­ness of the sound­scape. E t c e t e r a

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Where there may be expe­riences with (regu­lar) harassment/aggression in public space, this dif­ferent way of expe­rien­cing public space can be a joy­ful­ly freeing way to reclaim the streets.
It can be eman­ci­pa­ting (old school word?) in many other ways.

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Be aware that there may be images shot by camera/phone. Pas­sers by may do so, there’s no way to control this. Orga­ni­zers may choose to film/photograph, but will never use the images out­side of the context of this pro­ject. These images may be used to inform about the project.

It’s not paten­ted… You can spread the good habit of dan­cing free­ly in public space ☺ Maybe while wai­ting for the bus… Maybe others get ins­pi­red… may(it)be…

 ! By par­ti­ci­pa­ting you reco­gnize that the orga­ni­zers are not liable for any damages or inju­ries. This hasn’t hap­pe­ned so far and we hope it never will 🙂

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