Le “Tour de l’austérité”

13.03 2013 /
Départ 11h du square de Meeûs (metro Trône)

Invi­ta­tion to a gui­ded tour on indus­try lob­bies for aus­te­ri­ty (part of the days of action ‘For a Euro­pean Spring’)

Two “Aus­te­ri­ty Tours” will take place on 13th March, the day before Euro­pean heads of state gather in Brus­sels for the EU Sum­mit. The gui­ded tours through the Euro­pean Quar­ter will set-off from Square de Meeûs at 11am, high­ligh­ting the key finan­cial and cor­po­rate lob­bies that pro­mote the aus­te­ri­ty poli­cies that are dis­mant­ling public ser­vices across Europ

Date :
Wed­nes­day, March 13, 2013 — 11:00 to 13:00
Location :
Square de Meeûs