2nd Festival of Bulgarian Culture in Brussels


From October 16 to November 26 2012. Bulgarian culture is one of the most poorly one presented in Brussels. For this reason, the Festival of Bulgarian Culture try to introduce different aspects of emblematic Bulgarian culture, Bulgarian Thracian heritage, theatre, cinema and contemporary Bulgarian art.

DIOGENE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, orga­ni­zer of the Inter­na­tio­nal Docu­men­ta­ry Film Fes­ti­val “Mil­le­nium”, the Mil­le­nium Web­doc Mee­tings and the unique of its kind Danube Music Fes­ti­val , invites you this time to the second edi­tion of the Fes­ti­val of Bul­ga­rian Culture in Brus­sels : a mix of thea­ter, Cine­ma and concerts.


Espace Sen­ghor, Centre cultu­rel d’Et­ter­beek — Chaus­sée de Wavre, 366 — 1040 Etterbeek.


Octo­ber 16 : 19h30 
After the show there will be a mee­ting with Niko­lay Urumov
THEATER : Laluger
Bul­ga­rian language
25 €

Octo­ber 17 : 19h00
CINEMA : Migra­tion of the Bel­ted Boni­to, by Lud­mil Todorov
English subtitles
85 minutes
8 €

Octo­ber 17 : 21h00
CINEMA : Vir­tu­so­si From Now­here, by Zla­ti­na Rousseva
English subtitles
58 minutes
6 €

Novem­ber 05 : 19h30
CONCERT FOLK : Valya Bal­kans­ka, Cos­mic voice of Bulgaria
20 €

Novem­ber 06 : 19h30
THEATER : Sex without Sugar, By Fran­ca Rame and Dario Fo
Bul­ga­rian language
25 €

Novem­ber 07 : 19h00
CINEMA : Foots­teps in the Sand,
English subtitles
89 minutes
8 €

Novem­ber 07 : 21h00
CINEMA : A Band with no name, Direc­ted by Lyud­mil Kirkov
English subtitles
112 minutes
6 €

Novem­ber 26 : 19h30
CINEMA : Tilt, by Vik­tor Chou­ch­kov Jr.
English subtitles
94 minutes
8 €

For more info