Workshop : The GAFAM Alternative

15.02 2020 / 14h
Plug & Pop - Rue Blaes 132, Bruxelles
Same­di 15 février 2020 14:00

Plug & Pop
Rue Blaes 132, Bruxelles

14h00-17h00 : Free & Open Soft­ware, as a concrete alter­na­tive to Google, Apple, Face­book, Ama­zon & Microsoft

To get the most out of this event the orga­ni­zers ask you to bring your PC, tablet and/or smart­phone and a usb key (ideal­ly 32 GB). The work­shop will be given in French, Ita­lian & English accor­ding to your needs.

Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is free, places are limi­ted. Sub­scribe via :